After flying back to KC, enjoying Thanksgiving with my extended family in Topeka, and putting up Christmas lights on Friday, I enjoyed the annual MU-KU football at Arrowhead with my KU buddies Nathan and Kevin.

The weather was absolutely miserable. It was raining/sleeting/snowing with temperatures hovering around freezing.

The game went back and forth until the end. KU won with a 4th down touchdown. It was great to see all the upset MU fans filing out of the stadium. Rock Chalk, Jayhawk. K...U...

On Tuesday, I experienced my first NBA game while viewing the Denver Nuggets take on the Toronto Raptors. My friend from work got some cheap tickets on ebay and asked if I wanted to go.
The Nuggets won the game by 40, so it wasn't too exciting of a game. I have been spoiled after attending so many games at Allen Fieldhouse. The atmosphere was so much different...relaxed, a much longer game, few exciting full court plays. I won't be getting season tickets anytime soon.

On Thursday, a coworker sent an email to announce a drawing for some suite tickets to the Nuggets game against the San Antonio Spurs. The guy has an inside track with the Nuggets organization, so after the abundance of interest from workers at M&M, he scored another suite for everyone to attend the game. The weather was cold and snowy, but we drew 30 or so M&M employees to the suites to enjoy the game.

The suites were pretty sweet. The seats were leather, we had a dude to get us drinks (we still had to pay), and we had a good view. I felt pretty high class after showing my stub to a guard at the entrance to the suite boxes. No more sitting with the riffraff for me.

It was the first Nuggets game for alot of the M&M folks. I thought it was neat to see Tim Duncan, one of the best players all-time.

Rocky, the Nuggets mascot, is pretty entertaining. At Tuesday game, he attempted behind the back half-court shots during game breaks. He made one as time expired. On Thursday, he climbed this huge ladder and he attempted to make a half court shot off a bounce. No luck this time though.

Although the Nuggets lost by 20, at least the cheerleaders were entertaining.

Although the NBA isn't really my thing, I was glad to check it out.